Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Getting Started- Guidance on Preparing Your EPA Brownfield Area-Wide Planning Grant Proposal !

Some applicants find it difficult to prepare their grant proposals within 60 days, the typical amount of time the Request for Proposals (RFP) allows until the proposals are due.  However, there are several activities that applicants can perform to begin to prepare their proposals in advance of the RFP being made publicly available. So to help applicants get started we at EPA have developed a new guide document.

Potential applicants for EPA's Brownfield Area-Wide Planning grants can get a head start with proposal preparation by familiarizing themselves with the document below, discussing possible projects with local partners and stakeholders, pulling together important information, and working with their local Brownfield contacts to resolve any questions about brownfield site eligibility. We hope this information will help applicants prepare a thorough, well-organized, and timely proposal.

Brownfields Area Wide Planning Program 

Getting Started Early on Preparing your BF AWP Grant Proposal (PDF)