Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Brownfield Grants Overview from EPA

This ARCHIVED webinar presents an overview of the EPA's Brownfield Assessment, Cleanup and Revolving Loan program. Grant guidelines for FY13 are expected to be published at the end of summer so taking time now to learn about the program will be especially useful to new applicants. The presenters will go over: basics of the brownfield program; the three types of grants; who is eligible to apply; and what projects the grants cover. This webinar is meant as a primer for the subsequent webinars we'll be hosting in August where we go into much more details for each of the three grants. Those webinars will be held on Aug. 16 - Assessments, Aug. 23 - Cleanup, and Aug. 30 - Revolving Loan Fund.


PDF -  http://www.clu-in.org/conf/tio/r9bfoverview_071212/prez/Brownfields-101-7-12-12-Cluin-version-pdf.pdf
Audio - http://clu-in.tv/seminars/tio071212_full.mp3