Monday, August 13, 2012

EPA Region 4 To Host Series of Webinars on Brownfield Grants

EPA’s Region 4 Atlanta, GA Brownfields office will be hosting a series of teleconference sessions for the FY2013 Brownfield Assessment, Revolving Loan Fund, and Cleanup (ARC) application guidelines. These guidelines are expected to be available nationally the week of August 13 (applications due around October 15). 
Each year, Region 4 hosts a training session designed to highlight changes to the guidelines and tips and tricks based on weakness noted in applications the prior year. This year, EPA and its State partners will focus on:
  • applicant ‘readiness’; 
  • providing multiple, shorter training segments; and 
  • reminding you that your State Agency Brownfields contact can be a resource to you in preparing your application (certain parts require State involvement). 
The Brownfield grant program has become very competitive with about 1 in 5 applications in Region 4 being successful. EPA Region 4 and our State partners seek to improve those odds.Five (5) teleconference sessions are planned. There will be 125 phone lines available. Please use a conference phone if multiple people in your organization plan to participate. The first teleconference will focus on grant application readiness, and the other four (4) will follow the four sections each of the Assessment, RLF and Cleanup guidelines, with the minor changes for 2013 highlighted. The sessions will be between 30 and 45 minutes. The powerpoint presentations will be available on the Trainex registration site noted below prior to the teleconference, and on the Region 4 website after the end of the five (5) sessions.

Please Register at:

Session #1: Tuesday, Aug 21 10 am Grant Application Readiness
Session #2: Wednesday, Aug 22 10 am Ranking Criteria 1: Community Need
Session #3: Tuesday, Aug 28 10 am Ranking Criteria 2: Project Description & Feasibility of Success
Session #4: Wednesday, Aug 29 10 am Ranking Criteria 3: Community Engagement & Partnerships
Session #5: Tuesday, Sept 11 10 am Ranking Criteria 4: Project Benefits and Summary