EPA recently released the new Brownfields Road Map publication and companion
website which provide an outline of the general steps involved in the
investigation and cleanup of brownfields sites and introduce stakeholders to
technology options and available resources. During this Road Map webinar,
EPA speakers will review its history, describe how the structure of the Road Map
was redesigned to better meet the needs of a diverse audience, and review the
online interactive guide to contaminants and technologies. Technical
resources and tools available online will also be highlighted. A second
segment of the webinar serves to summarize the core chapters focused on
assessment, investigation, selection of cleanup options, and design and
implementation of cleanup. Participants will also be introduced to technical
and management topics covered in Road Map "spotlights." Participants are invited
to submit questions during a Question-and-Answer session. For more
information and to register, see
http://clu-in.org/live .